24 local partners join SHARED GREEN DEAL

24 local partners have been chosen by the SHARED GREEN DEAL consortium to work locally across six different European Green Deal topics: Clean Energy, Circular Economy, Preserving Biodiversity, Sustainable Mobility, Efficient Renovations and Sustainable Food.
The partners represent local organisations or local governments from all over Europe and have the opportunity to contribute to the local implementation of the Green Deal priorities, create and strengthen relationships with their community and local institutions while benefiting from the learning outcomes that can be adopted as part of their own processes. This is made possible with funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme.
Kinga Kovacs, Coordinator at Energy Cities and responsible for the recruitment process, says:
"Each of the 24 local partners brings a unique local approach to making Europe more sustainable and we are excited to be working closer with them. These are organisations showcasing a strong commitment to the principles of the European Green Deal and in the coming years, we will collaborate with them to share the knowledge and experiences gained through our joint work on SHARED GREEN DEAL."
SHARED GREEN DEAL partners will exploit their expertise in Humanities and Social Science to support each local social experiment, running for one year.
Local partners of SHARED GREEN DEAL
Stream | Region | Organisation | Experiment location (not org. location) | |
Clean Energy | North | Fonden Motorfabrikken Marstal | Ærø, Denmark | |
Clean Energy | South | Diptuacion de Granada | Granada, Spain | |
Clean Energy | East | Alliance of Associations Polish Green Network | Belchatow, Poland | |
Clean Energy | West | Essex County Council | Essex, UK | |
Circular economy | South | Cyprus Organisation for Standardisation (CYS) | Nicosia/Limassol/Larnaca, Cyprus | |
Circular economy | South | Camara Municipal de Santo Tirso | Santo Tirso, Portugal | |
Circular economy | East | Technology Park Ljubljana | Ljubljana, Slovenia | |
Circular economy | West | Val de Marne en Transition | Val-de-Marne, France | |
Efficient Renovations | East | Habitat for Humanity Magyarország Alapítvány | Nógrád County, Hungary | |
Efficient Renovations | West | Mayo County Council | Louisburgh locality including Clare Island and Inishturk Island, Ireland | |
Efficient Renovations | North | Let's renovate the city | Vilnius, Lithuania | |
Efficient Renovations | South | ECODES | Zaragoza, Spain | |
Sustainable Mobility | North | Environmental center for Administration and Technology (ECAT) | Kaunas, Lithuania | |
Sustainable Mobility | East | Sofia Development Association (SDA), project SOfiaGREEN | Sofia, Bulgaria | |
Sustainable Mobility | South | Municipality of Braga | Braga, Portugal | |
Sustainable Mobility | West | An Mheitheal Rothar | Galway, Ireland | |
Sustainable Food | North | REFORMATEN | Stockholm, Sweden | |
Sustainable Food | South | ASFODELO | Cella Monte, Italy | |
Sustainable Food | West | Gemeente Wageningen | Wageningen, Netherlands | |
Sustainable Food | East | Klíma ?a potrebuje | City of Koice, Slovakia | |
Preserving Biodiversity | East | Posoki razvojni center | Tolmin, Slovenia | |
Preserving Biodiversity | West | Ballyhoura Development CLG | Kilfinane, Ireland | |
Preserving Biodiversity | North | Environment and health department, City of Stockholm | Stockholm, Sweden | |
Preserving Biodiversity | South | Municipality of Amaroussion | Athens, Greece |

Related Green Deal Priorities
Related localities

For further details please contact co-leads Professor Chris Foulds (chris.foulds@aru.ac.uk) and Professor Rosie Robison (rosie.robison@aru.ac.uk).

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101036640. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the SHARED GREEN DEAL HAS project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.