Who are we?
We are the SHARED GREEN DEAL project consortium, which is led by the Global Sustainability Institute within Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) Higher Education Corporation, working with a number of partners. You can contact the co-leads of the project via chris [dot] foulds [at] aru [dot] ac [dot] uk or rosie [dot] robison [at] aru [dot] ac [dot] uk
What does this Data Protection Policy cover?
This policy is in two Sections. Section 1 is about Data Protection related to the activities of the SHARED GREEN DEAL project, Section 2 is about Data Protection related to the website www.sharedgreendeal.eu.
We will revise or update this policy if our practices change. Please refer to this page for the latest information and the effective date of any changes.
Section 1: Data Protection for activity participants
This section is written for those who have been invited to participate in any of the SHARED GREEN DEAL project activities.
Why may we ask for your Personal data?
SHARED GREEN DEAL is working to understand social, behavioural and cultural issues related to Europe’s climate change policies. We may ask for your personal data to understand these issues better.
What Personal Data do we need from you?
SHARED GREEN DEAL collects personal data via its activities (covered in this section) and via its website (covered in section 2).
Depending on the activity, we may ask for your:
• Name/ Contact details
• Age
• Gender
• Experiences
• Opinions
It is possible during some activities, participants may reveal Special Category Data relating for example to their racial or ethnic origin; political opinions; religious or philosophical beliefs.
What do we use your personal data for?
SHARED GREEN DEAL uses the personal information given by data subjects related to project activities to run those activities and to produce project outputs.
Informed consent regarding use of privately contributed data (e.g. as part of surveys, interviews, and our ‘social experiments’) is mandatory across the participatory activities of SHARED GREEN DEAL.
Publicly available personal data may be processed where the processing is necessary for SHARED GREEN DEAL to perform a task in the public interest or for official functions, and the task or function has a clear basis in law.
All personal data used for research purposes will be anonymised before publishing in our outputs, except in cases where clear and explicit consent has been given to the use of this data (e.g. where someone has agreed to be quoted as a named source).
What allows us to use your data in this way?
The Data Protection Act (2018) allows us to use your personal data when consent has been obtained from you.
Who else will process or see your data?
Processing of personal data in relation to SHARED GREEN DEAL activities will primarily be carried out by the SHARED GREEN DEAL partner(s) and/or subcontractor(s) responsible for those activities. More information, including on key contacts for each activity, can be found via the website, or by contacting: info [at] sharedgreendeal [dot] eutarget="_blank".
To support some SHARED GREEN DEAL interview activities, cloud-based transcription services (e.g. Zoom, Microsoft Teams) may be used to generate transcripts of recorded interviews. When used, these cloud-based transcription service providers become a data processor, processing data on the instruction of SHARED GREEN DEAL partners. Cloud-based transcription uses AI technology to generate the transcript, meaning no person beyond the SHARED GREEN DEAL project will have access to the data.
Processing of personal data submitted via the website is detailed in Section 2.
What are your rights over our use of your data?
Our use of your data for this purpose will allow you to exercise the following rights: (Click links for further details)
- The right to be Informed
- The right of Access
- The right to Rectification
- The right to Erasure
- The right to Restrict Processing
- The right to Object
You can exercise your rights by contacting:
- Any partner you have liaised with regarding specific activities.
- info [at] sharedgreendeal [dot] eu for any activities.
Who is the Data Protection Officer (DPO)?
SHARED GREEN DEAL is a project involving 22 partners (see: https://sharedgreendeal.eu/partners), each of whom are responsible for ensuring their compliance with relevant national and international data protection law, including GDPR.
The Data Protection Officers (DPOs) or, where an organisation does not require a DPO, other partner contacts are (correct as of July 2022):
Partner | Data Protection Officer or other partner contact | Key participatory activities partner is responsible for |
ARU | dpo@aru.ac.uk | Overall coordination, Efficient Renovations experiment stream (research lead) |
DRIFT | hermus@risbo.eur.nl | Transition Arena, Online database, Sustainable Food experiment stream (research lead) |
ECIT | nathalie.moroge@energy-cities.eu | Oversight of local partners, Social experiment webinars, Circular Economy experiment stream (practice lead) |
ICS | gestao.id@ics.ulisboa.pt | Online training on change dynamics, Sustainable Food experiment stream (research support) |
ICLEI | data.protection.europe@iclei.org | Communications (lead) |
ALDA | oriano.otocan@aldaintranet.org | Network |
IEEP | ttufek@ieep.eu | Policy and Business roundtables |
ISI | datenschutz@zv.fraunhofer.de | RRI evaluation surveys/interviews |
CERC | s.alexaki@pontsbschool.com | Circular Economy experiment stream (research lead) |
ZRC | katja.novak@zrc-sazu.si | Preserving Biodiversity experiment stream (research lead) |
NUIG | dataprotection@nuigalway.ie | Clean Energy experiment stream (research lead) |
TUW | datenschutz@tuwien.ac.at | Sustainable Mobility experiment stream (research lead) |
BWN | emily.gray@bankwatch.org | Clean Energy experiment stream (practice lead) |
WECF | mariana.hernandez@wecf.org | Efficient Renovations experiment stream (practice lead) |
IIED | catherine.baker@iied.org | Scaling exercise |
ACC | info@acentocomunicacion.com | Communications (support) |
AAU | dpo@aau.dk | Efficient Renovations experiment stream (research support) |
MIO | aboudaher@mio-ecsde.org | Preserving Biodiversity experiment stream (practice lead) |
CEA | g.solomou@circulareconomyalliance.eu | Circular Economy experiment stream (research support) |
MRI | kollar@mri.hu | Sustainable Mobility experiment stream (research support) |
CUAS | datenschutz@fh-kaernten.at | Preserving Biodiversity experiment stream (research support) |
SFYN | hello@slowfoodyouthnetwork.org | Sustainable Food experiment stream (practice lead) |
Will we send your data to partners based in a country outside the European Economic Area?
Your data may be shared with an organisation based in a country outside the European Economic Area. The security of your data and your rights over it are protected because the following legal arrangement is in place:
- An ‘Appropriate Safeguard’ is in place, which is a legal agreement between Public Bodies.
How long will we keep your data?
For more information about our approach to retaining information please click here.
We will delete or destroy the personal data you give us a maximum of 3 years after the project has been formally closed (i.e. 31 Jan 2030).
Concerns or Complaints
The SHARED GREEN DEAL project is coordinated by Anglia Ruskin University in the UK, however individual partners and subcontractors (located in different countries) have responsibility for both controlling and processing personal information related to specific activities. If you have concerns over our handling of your personal data please inform us via info [at] sharedgreendeal [dot] eu and also contact dpo [at] aru [dot] ac [dot] uk with details.
The Data Protection Act (2018) gives you the right to make a complaint to a regulator about our use of your personal data. The regulator is the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and they can be contacted at:
- Online: https://ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint/
- Phone: +44 (0)303 123 1113
Section 2: Data Protection for visitors to our website
1. Introduction
ICLEI Europe is hosting and running the www.sharedgreendeal.eu website. All data collection and management carried out through this website and associated communication products is done in full accordance with ICLEI Europe's own data protection policy. This can be read in full below.
ICLEI Europe respects the privacy of our members and other contacts and seeks to ensure that any personal data that we collect is processed in a secure, responsible manner. ICLEI Europe only collects personal data that we need in order to provide our services.
SHARED GREEN DEAL publishes a newsletter with updates being shared roughly every two months. This newsletter is managed by Acento and ICLEI Europe jointly and the personal. We use the platform Mailchimp and they will receive the data only to use it for the purpose of sending you our emails in accordance with their Privacy Policy and Terms. You can unsubscribe and delete your data at any time by contacting us at info [at] sharedgreendeal [dot] eu or clicking unsubscribe in the emails we send.
The personal information you provide to ICLEI Europe via the www.sharedgreendeal.eu website will be used and stored as follows:
2. Data collection and use
ICLEI Europe collects information to deliver the services requested based on ICLEI Europe’s legitimate interest in keeping the SHARED GREEN DEAL website updated. ICLEI Europe strives to limit the amount of personal information collected.
The personal information collected could be used to contact you about the network or in response to a specific enquiry via email, telephone or postal mail.
We do not collect any sensitive data (political opinion, religious beliefs, health, etc.) unless it is expressly needed and, in this case, on the basis of your explicit consent.
This policy explains how we process personal data related to our services.
This policy was last updated: July 2022.
3. Website
When you visit our website www.sharedgreendeal.eu, a small amount of information concerning your use of it is generated - see our policy on cookies, social media plug-ins and Google maps below. If you only browse the website, ICLEI Europe collects no personal data, i.e. we cannot identify who you are.
3.1 Cookies
Cookies are tiny text files stored on your browser. We use cookies to help us improve your experience. EU legislation states that all websites should let you know when they are using cookies. Most websites use cookies and they will not cause any harm to your device. ICLEI uses cookies to help us see which pages our visitors like and which ones are not working so well, meaning we can make improvements to the website and improve their experience. Cookies do not tell us who you are or give us any personal details about you.
Even if you do not accept the cookies, you will still be able to browse our site. However, some parts of the site will not work.
3.2 Integration of Social Media Plug-ins
(1) For embed social media plug-ins on our website we are using the so called two-click solution. This means that when visiting our page, no personal data is initially transferred to the plug-in providers. You can identify the plug-in providers by looking at their logos as well as the text that appears when you hover your mouse cursor over their logos. You can directly communicate with the plug-in provider via the button. The plug-in provider will only receive the information that you are using on the respective page of our online service once you have clicked the indicated field and thereby have activated it. Additionally, the data listed under point 4 in section 3.1 (see below) is transferred. In the case of Facebook, the IP address is anonymised immediately after it has been collected according to the respective providers in Germany. The activation of a plug-in thus leads to your personal data being transferred to the respective plug-in provider and saved there (in case of US American providers in the USA). As plug-in providers mostly collect data via cookies, we recommend you delete all cookies in your browser via the security settings before clicking on the grayed out box.
(2) We are neither able to influence data collection and data processing, nor are we informed as to the extent of the data collection, the purpose of data processing, or the data retention period. We also have no information from plug-in providers regarding the process of data deletion.
(3) The plug-in provider saves the data collected about you in the form of a usage profile and uses that for the purposes of advertisement, market research, and/or needs-based website design. Data analysis of this kind is undertaken (also for not logged-in users) in particular for the purposes of needs-based advertisement, and to inform other users of the respective social network of your activities on our website. You have the right to object to the creation of these profiles. To make use of this right, you need to turn to the respective plug-in provider. We offer you the opportunity to interact with social networks and other users via the plug-ins, enabling us to improve our online service and make it more interesting for you as a user. Legal basis for the use of plug-ins is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.
(4) Your data is passed on to the plug-in provider independently of you having an account with their network or being logged in there. If you are logged in, the data that was collected about you on our website will be attributed to your account with the plug-in provider. If you click on the plug-in buttons and e.g. post a link on the social media account you are accessing, this information is also collected by the plug-in provider, saved in your account, and publicly shared with your contacts. We suggest you regularly log-out after using social networks, especially before clicking on any plug-in buttons as this prevents the plug-in provider from matching the activity with your account.
(5) You can find further information on the purpose and the scope of data collection and processing by the plug-in provider in their respective data protection statements. There you can also find further information on your rights regarding this matter and customising settings and options for the purpose of protecting your privacy.
4. What personal data we collect and why
The mandatory field for subscribing to the SHARED GREEN DEAL e-newsletter is the email address. First name, last name, type of organization, sector or country are not mandatory, but would help us understand your interests and track and improve our activities. If you receive a news alert about an event that you register for, details about data protection will be included on the registration form.
Other contacts: We collect information from you through information that you provide to us through business cards, through project partnerships that we jointly work on, and through events that you have signed up for.
5. How long do we keep your personal data?
We will not retain your personal information for longer than required. We will keep your personal information: - For as long as required by law - Until we no longer have a valid reason for keeping it - Until you request us to stop using it. Any such requests can be sent to our data protection officer at data [dot] protection [dot] europe [at] iclei [dot] org () or at our postal address, with reference to „Data Protection Officer“:
ICLEI European Secretariat GmbH Represented by Managing Director Wolfgang Teubner Leopoldring 3 79098 Freiburg, Germany
In addition, all our mailings contain an unsubscribe button. Duration is linked to your subscription. If you unsubscribe, your personal data will be deleted permanently. Details of how to unsubscribe are provided in each newsletter.
6. How we protect your data
At ICLEI Europe we implement technical and organisational measures to secure your personal data against hacking, malware, ransomware, malicious websites, etc.
Our server environment fulfils all modern security requirements for protecting your personal data. This includes software and systems to prevent hacking and to fight malware, ransomware or any other intrusion from potentially malicious websites. All our data are stored on a dedicated and secure server environment.
7. Your rights concerning your personal data
To ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability, you are invited to exercise the following rights, free of charge, whenever you think it is appropriate.
Right to review, update, and correct your personal dataYou have the right to review and update, correct or remove any of your personal data by sending a request to data [dot] protection [dot] europe [at] iclei [dot] org. By requesting access to your personal data, you will obtain: • A list of personal data about you held by ICLEI Europe; • An explanation of the purpose for which your personal data is being processed; • Details of anyone to whom your personal data may have been disclosed (note: we only disclose your personal information if required to by law).
The right to withdraw your consent to the processingWe process your personal data on the basis of your freely given consent. You have the right to revoke this consent at any time for any reason. To do so, please contact data [dot] protection [dot] europe [at] iclei [dot] org (). After your request has been received, your personal data will be removed from mailing lists and/or deleted entirely from our database within one month (your data may be stored, but not further processed, in order to comply with possible audits or checks from funding bodies, e.g. the European Commission).
The right to lodge a complaintIn case of any complaint, please contact ICLEI Europe immediately to resolve the problem. However, please note that you have (at all times) the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant data protection supervisory authority. In general, you can refer to the data protection supervisory authority responsible for the location where your place of residence or work is located, or that of our organisation (https://www.baden-wuerttemberg.datenschutz.de).
8. Changes to this policy
This privacy policy is reviewed and updated periodically. Any changes to this policy will be communicated to you either via email or on our website.
9. Contact
All questions or requests regarding the ICLEI personal data policy can be addressed to data [dot] protection [dot] europe [at] iclei [dot] org ().

For further details please contact co-leads Professor Chris Foulds (chris.foulds@aru.ac.uk) and Professor Rosie Robison (rosie.robison@aru.ac.uk).

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101036640. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the SHARED GREEN DEAL HAS project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.