The Meso Multiple in energy and climate research: How different Social Sciences treat the in-betweenness between the micro and macro
The traditional choice of either focussing on individualism (the ‘micro’) or holism (the ‘macro’) when considering social change is increasingly seen as an unhelpful dualism. As such, the ‘meso’, which occupies or connects the space between the micro and macro, is gaining prominence in Social Science research on energy and climate. This paper reviews how different Social Science fields addressing energy and climate theoretically approach the meso. Four distinct versions of the meso are identified.
The Micro-leaning and Macro-leaning versions of the meso operate within this middle ground but are influenced by their ontological roots in either the micro or macro. For example, the Pro-environmental Behaviour field's meso work is grounded in individualistic assumptions, while the Transitions field's meso work focuses on ideas of system organisation.
In contrast, the other two versions of the meso exhibit less inclination towards the micro or macro. The Implicit-meso is exemplified by the Social Practices field, which employs a unit of analysis that encompasses both the micro and macro yet remains distinct from either. The Explicit-meso, illustrated by the Scale and Place field, has established a consistent theoretical unit that bridges micro and macro thinking.
Greater transparency and reflexivity are called for in discussions on the specific version(s) of the meso being enacted in research.
Authors: Chris Foulds (ARU), Monica Truninger (ICS ULisboa), Aggeliki Aggeli (Aalborg University), Ami Crowther and Rosie Robison (ARU)

Publication date:
Languages: English
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For further details please contact co-leads Professor Chris Foulds ( and Professor Rosie Robison (

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101036640. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the SHARED GREEN DEAL HAS project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.