Considerable interest in becoming Local Partners of SHARED GREEN DEAL

With more than 950 organisations confirming their interest in becoming SHARED GREEN DEAL partners, and 349 full applications submitted across the six streams, the call to become a local partner of SHARED GREEN DEAL exceeded expectations.
The applications were received across the following Streams:
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The project partners working on SHARED GREEN DEAL have already begun evaluating the applications and are hoping to stay on track to finalise the process before the end of February, despite a higher than anticipated number of applications:
Prof. Chris Foulds, co-coordinator of SHARED GREEN DEAL explains:
“When we proposed this project to the European Commission we knew its success would depend on local support to fulfil the objectives of the European Green Deal. We are both happy and humbled that this support turned out to be overwhelming. It’s clear that a significant number of local organisations see value in our social experiments and are eager to join forces with us in applying Social Sciences and Humanities to ideas in their real-world contexts.”
Kinga Kovacs, Coordinator at Energy Cities, says:
“The applications received show that not only is there broad support across Europe, but real and concrete actions are already happening in local communities. Going forward, we hope to work with not just the applicants we can select in the end, but all of these local initiatives to expand on their efforts.”
The selected communities will be announced at the end of March through the SHARED GREEN DEAL Newsletter. Prior to that, all applicants will be notified in direct email exchange.
Related Green Deal Priorities

For further details please contact co-leads Professor Chris Foulds ( and Professor Rosie Robison (

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101036640. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the SHARED GREEN DEAL HAS project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.