Stockholm Biodiversity Learning Experiment - by participating and doing (SBLE)
With the support from the SHARED GREEN DEAL project, the partner would like to explore new ways to increase the knowledge about biodiversity among residents not-so-familiar with the concept of biodiversity and the benefits of ecosystem services, following an approach based on both intellectual and sensory, emotional knowledge by direct, own experiences. The results will help them understand better the needs of the residents of Stockholm, what is the role that biological diversity plays in the city, and in what way our society depends on it.
Local context
The Biodiversity Action Plan of the City of Stockholm was adopted by the City Council on November 30, 2020. The Action Plan introduces five strategies to strengthen nature in the city. One of the strategies focuses on developing knowledge about biodiversity and how the city's different ecosystems are prioritized, managed and cared for. Our 12 Nature Reserves, the National City Park, a Cultural Reserve, all serve as core areas for biodiversity. The green routes passing through the city are very important for biodiversity connectivity, stretching between the city center to semi-rural areas.
Specific needs and challenges
The knowledge among the local inhabitants about the importance of biodiversity in the city and how this offers benefits for humans (ecosystem services) needs to be enhanced. In addition, by active involvement, sharing of experiences and knowledge building through this experiment, participants are expected to be more actively involved in protecting and managing biodiversity. The participants come from an area which is considered socially vulnerable and is demographically diverse. The unemployment rate in the area is high, and the need for more social inclusion is evident. Adult education programs could facilitate this need for change.
Detailed description of the experiment
The experiment will co-design an adult education programme which will extend also to the families of the participants, based on the four pillars of "Flow learning": awakened enthusiasm, focused attention, direct experiences and shared inspiration.
Through a series of biodiversity walks and learning activities taking place both in urban and nature/cultural reserve settings, we will highlight the existing values and views of nature. By gaining knowledge about nature's own laws, processes and significance, a deeper understanding of individual and common responsibility on protecting and restoring it will be cultivated. Field work to gain practical experience on simple nature preservation actions such as putting up nests for bird and bats, mould nests, "wild bees hotels", arranging sand beds for pollinators, cleaning up ponds and collecting and planting seeds from local flora are some only of the possible examples that the participants will decide to learn more about.
By arranging at least two local events to the wider community, one during autumn 2023 and the second one on Biodiversity Day (22 May 2024), the participants will have the opportunity to further share their learning experience.
Involvement of the target group
Participants of the Study Circle will be mainly families, consisting of a core group of 15 persons who will be engaged through a series of "Biodiversity Walks & Talks". The participants will be invited through local organisations and the city's district associations. Ultimately, we aim to gather participants who are or are interested in becoming "stewards" of biodiversity within their own organisations or local communities.
the experiments will work together with biodiversity experts, the City of Stockholm and our district administration, the local Study Circle association and the local nature school. By using a number of well-established learning styles, we will activate all senses of the participants through biodiversity field walks led by ecologists. Other activities include biodiversity games together with the local nature school educators, presentations by local botanists and ornithologists, workshops on building and setting up nests, performances by local artists, etc. All of these examples are active, socially inclusive and diverse ways of experiencing local biodiversity and the services it provides.
The local city district administration of Rinkeby-Kista will be involved, along with the Study circle association "SV", nature School "Eggeby gård" and local bird life and nature organisations.
The Environment and health administration at the City of Stockholm have extensive experience on managing biodiversity and have been involved in implementing the city's biodiversity action plan, where communication and involvement of local residents is an integral part. Stockholm's local city district administration of Rinkeby-Kista is responsible for contacting the local park rangers and is the focal point between local residents, city workers and politicians. They also offer work opportunities for young adults during summer, a target group which is aimed to be involved in our social experiment. The Nature School "Eggeby gård" will serve as a meeting point, as well as a source for providing all material needed for the studies of biodiversity
Local partner
Environment and health department, City of Stockholm
Number of inhabitants
City of Stockholm
Website/social media
Contact person:
Peter Wibornpeter [dot] wiborn [at] stockholm [dot] se
May 2023
Recruitment of participants for study circle and introduction to the group.
May-July 2023
Set-up the "biodiversity walk & talks", two full-time weeks of educational meetings
August-November 2023
Biodiversity walks and talks, once a month with study circle group.
December 2023-March 2024
March-May 2024
Biodiversity walks & talks and workshops continued
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For further details please contact co-leads Professor Chris Foulds ( and Professor Rosie Robison (

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101036640. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the SHARED GREEN DEAL HAS project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.