Call for local partners on Efficient Renovations

The buildings we live and work in require urgent upgrade and renovation to respond to the pressing demands of climate change.  This experiment stream is looking for local partners who will help bring members of the community together to form a social network for understanding why renovation matters and what can be done for buildings’ and inhabitants’ needs. The experiment aspires to provide interactive learning opportunities, through events such as eco-tours so that participants can gain inspiration, practical knowledge and guidance in the process.

Learn more below or begin applying here.

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A visual announcing the 22K in support of local change

What could you receive funding to do?

  • Set up a local knowledge network involving at least 30 members with a balance of professionals and citizens. Engage at least 10 households at risk of energy poverty; at least 10 representatives of SMEs in the green jobs sector as well as other relevant professionals; and at least 1 provider of funding for renovation. 
  • Host five capacity-building activities (at least 10 participants each) comprising: 
    • discussion of past renovation experiences, future renovation priorities
    • a series of 3-5 ‘eco-home tours’ to frontrunners in energy efficient renovations
    • a series of 3-5 site visits of pre-renovation projects of the members of the knowledge network, including specific advisory discussions 
    • connection to existing local programmes and initiatives, to help ensure longer-term legacies. Gather contributions and feedback to be fed into a toolkit by the 4 social experiment locations in Europe. 
    • reflection on a locally focused toolkit, learnings from the local social experiment and potential next steps. 

Please note that concerning the target group there is an aim to engage at least 60% female members in the knowledge network. Each local partner will also need to create a network that is focused on one of the following four renovation contexts: residential urban energy poverty; residential rural energy poverty; care homes; schools.

To see the full list of actions, please consult the 'Guidelines and FAQ' document'.


To be eligible for this SHARED GREEN DEAL Grant, applicants must:

  • Be located in the EU or countries associated with H2020 (note: this includes the UK for this call)
  • Be either:
    • A local or regional authority (including municipalities, cities, towns, villages and their local municipally owned companies and agencies)
    • A not-for-profit organisation (e.g. NGOs, civil society organisations, associations etc).

The call is closed. Thank you for your interest. 



You can move forward with the application by confirming your interest through this link or by filling in the form below. 

The call is closed. Thank you for the interest.



For further details please contact co-leads Professor Chris Foulds ( and Professor Rosie Robison (

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101036640. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the SHARED GREEN DEAL HAS project and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.